Will You Remain in the Pit?
These lessons were originally published in 2020.
Those that have travelled a good portion of life’s pathway understand through personal experience that there are challenging periods, difficult times, and low points that must be navigated. Looking in our rear-view mirror, we may see past individual decisions and choices that brought us straight-forward to those obstacles. Other times, however, we awaken to a new day whose events suddenly and unexpectedly bring us down off of a mountain and place us solidly in the deepest valley.
It is a worthwhile endeavor to teach our children about life’s ups and downs. More importantly though, because of the unreliability of life, is knowing the One True and Living God who spoke in Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
And so, this series of lessons begins with an evangelical message contrasting two pits. The psalmist in Psalms 40 uses the allusion of a pit to describe his condition of being lost and separated from God. Being in this pit was not a unique situation to him. Every person who has ever been saved by our Lord Jesus has found themselves in this pit. Likewise, every unsaved person is now abiding in the same pit. Thus, the theme in the form of a question: “will You remain in the Pit?”.
We who have been saved by God’s grace no longer remain in this pit, and the unsaved do not have to linger on in this sinful condition either. But if they are never delivered from that pit and die as a sinner, they will find themselves in the Bottomless Pit spoken of in the book of Revelation. And from that pit, there is no escape.
The subsequent lessons introduce us to individuals who have been cast into either literal or symbolic pits. spoiler alert: none of them remained in the pit. What can we learn from their lives of service? What examples can we take from this study to help us when we too shall have no where else to look but up.
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Will You Remain in the Pit?
These lessons were originally published in 2020.
Those that have travelled a good portion of life’s pathway understand through personal experience that there are challenging periods, difficult times, and low points that must be navigated. Looking in our rear-view mirror, we may see past individual decisions and choices that brought us straight-forward to those obstacles. Other times, however, we awaken to a new day whose events suddenly and unexpectedly bring us down off of a mountain and place us solidly in the deepest valley.
It is a worthwhile endeavor to teach our children about life’s ups and downs. More importantly though, because of the unreliability of life, is knowing the One True and Living God who spoke in Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
And so, this series of lessons begins with an evangelical message contrasting two pits. The psalmist in Psalms 40 uses the allusion of a pit to describe his condition of being lost and separated from God. Being in this pit was not a unique situation to him. Every person who has ever been saved by our Lord Jesus has found themselves in this pit. Likewise, every unsaved person is now abiding in the same pit. Thus, the theme in the form of a question: “will You remain in the Pit?”.
We who have been saved by God’s grace no longer remain in this pit, and the unsaved do not have to linger on in this sinful condition either. But if they are never delivered from that pit and die as a sinner, they will find themselves in the Bottomless Pit spoken of in the book of Revelation. And from that pit, there is no escape.
The subsequent lessons introduce us to individuals who have been cast into either literal or symbolic pits. spoiler alert: none of them remained in the pit. What can we learn from their lives of service? What examples can we take from this study to help us when we too shall have no where else to look but up.
Will You Remain in the Pit – All Materials
Will You Remain in the Pit – Activity Guide for all ages
Will You Remain in the Pit – 10 to Adult – Lesson
Will You Remain in the Pit – 0 to 9 – Lesson